

Age group: 2.5-3.5 years old

Introduction to numbers, comparison between quantities and size. Kids will play memorization games. They will also learn shadows, outlines, colours, and shapes. Everything is taught in a form of a game by association. We will also begin to solve puzzles.


Age group: 3-4 years old

Your child will learn numbers, Ukrainian letters and syllables, practice basic writing. We will cover spatial awareness, logical connections, and solving more complicated puzzles.


Age group: 5-7 years old

Your child will learn syllable-based reading and writing. Rest assured that we will not only learn the alphabet but dive into the art of reading. We will plant the seed of remembering and using the read material. We will also teach to compose original short stories, fantasize, and dream. Most importantly, we will cover Ukrainian culture, history, and geography with extra attention to details.


Age group: 6-7 years old 

Your child will learn to read full sentences, with unfamiliar words explained to them, texts described to them, and actions discussed.


Age group: 7-9 years old

Your child will continue improving their speech and writing skills.

We will make sure to focus on the individual knowledge level for every student.

Extra curriculars


In our music class, we discover different instruments and learn to sing.

The main goal of the class is to teach students proper intonation, develop rhythm, develop confidence on the stage, and get to know musical grammar. Music is tightly connected to history, literature, and art, this is why during our music classes we connect those together to get a better cultural snapshot of the period. Music connects the moral, emotional, and esthetic parts of the person. Music is a language of emotions. Melody can express the feelings previously unexplainable by words alone.

It is proven that with singing one will improve their diction, as well as eliminate some speech impediments. More importantly, in the process of singing, the person produces more endorphin, the happiness hormone.

Catechism lesson

Being a Christian means being a student of Jesus Christ, the one teacher. Being the carrier of His Soul, a whistler of his good news, the witness of Truth, which he himself is. Every participant of The Christian Church is called upon to grow in Jesus' teachings: to grow and learn the deeper and stronger spirit through their actions and spread their knowledge to ones around them.  

During the Catechization classes, we learn to be true Christians, by following God's word in an interesting and exciting way, deepening our knowledge about God.

Creative Lab

The main goal of our club is to develop our student's creative ability and imagination and to find joy in the creative process.

We boast countless interesting projects including drawings, toys, performances, including creating props and characters, and other creative pieces of art. In addition to that, we also study the works of famous Ukrainian artists. We have already created lots of wonderful and exciting pieces and invite you to join us on our creative adventures.

Fun Programming

Age group: 7+ years old

In 2020 the school started offering programming classes. Students will learn Scratch lang, tailored for complete beginners to understand code in a form of puzzle pieces. Students will learn to create their own programs, games, and animations. What can be more interesting for a modern child than their own video game? 

In the future, we will offer units in Python and HTML.